Núria Ishii Balagueró (Spain)
Why EVS?
I wanted to have the opportunity to live abroad for a long time. I thought EVS is a big opportunity to know new realities, people, points of view and improve your skills. I just expected to learn and grow up.
Why Poland?
Poland was a very unknown place for me before to come here. I liked the project that is related on my field so I decided that Poland could give me more than other places. When you haven’t heard much about a place, it can be a very surprising experience to get to know it with your own eyes.
EVS for me is…
EVS is a challenge. It is an opportunity to build yourself. It is about living abroad, exploring new realities, meeting interesting people, sharing your point of view, improving your skills and knowing more about yourself.
Virág Tajti (Hungary)
Why EVS?
This is my second EVS. The first was a short-term one in Bydgoszcz, Poland. I had such a great time there that I decided that if I have the chance I will do the long-term EVS too. It is a great way of non-formal learning, getting to know new people, getting out from your comfort-zone. EVS is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which bring new colours to the life of the volunteer.
Why Poland?
Poland is very dear for me after spending time in Bydgoszcz. It is not far from my home, so I have the chance to visit my beloved ones regularly. Our countries are very similar but I can recognize the small differences and see them in a deeper way. In Poland I often see things that are surreal or just beautiful in a really simple way and it makes me appreciate the magnificent thing we call life.
EVS for me is…
Looking at the birds and feeling like I am one of them.
Simona Georgieva (Bulgaria)
Why EVS?
Through the years of my university studies I was working in NGO which main field of action was related with the European youth projects and programs. This gave me the chance to take part in a big variety of activities and also to find out about European Voluntary Service. Since the very beginning the idea of doing an EVS seemed to be really catchy to me but since I was still a student I did not want to interrupt my studies, so that is why I decided to do it after I finished with my bachelor degree. For me, personally, the best time to do something like EVS was between
my bachelor and master degree and here I am now – just in the middle of my one-year project in Poland.
Why Poland?
I guess why Poland is the question I have been asked about utmost. My decision to pick up that country is closely connected with my major which is Political science. As a political scientist my substantive research interests gravitate around the economic development of the post-communist countries and I would like to continue my studies in that field. Therefore, it turned out that spending one year in Poland will be quite useful experience for me, the opportunity to learn another Slavic language as well. Of course, my EVS project is something that helped me made my final decision to come to Poland instead in another post-communist country. I really felt like I can give my personal contribution to the objectives of my project. Today I can say that for all these months here I did not question my choice even for one minute.
EVS was for me…
A bit hard it is to sum up what EVS is for me but if I have to point out something really fast it would be time. Mainly time to get away of everything you consider as “comfy” at your motherland. Time for everything I can say. Even if you got lost on the way, EVS is a nice opportunity to rearrange your mind set, to reinvent yourself in some new direction.If I look at my EVS through the prism of time, I would be able to talk more. But for now I consider it as a valuable experience which improves wide range of personal skills and also enhances career prospects.
Marina Martin Monteagudo (Spain)
Why EVS?
I didn´t do Erasmus, so I hadn´t been living or studying out of Spain. I discovered EVS when I was in the university so I decided to do it after I finished my degree and master. It is a European Programme which allows you to take part in one project for a period of time, providing you food, accommodation and pocket money. Also, it let you meet new people and develop your skills and abilities. Those are the most important reasons why I decided to get inside EVS.
Why Poland?
I didn´t choose the project because of the country. At that time Poland was one country where it is really cold and Erasmus students have fun. But I have to say, Poland is a fantastic discovery. It is an awesome country full of history, places to visit and a tasty cuisine.I felt like home from the bare beginning, no fears, only peace.
EVS was for me…
Taking a decision to leave everything what you have and choose something unknown is never an easy one. I took that decision, left my stuffs and decided to take time for me doing a voluntary work. My EVS is showing me that if you take risks, if you go out of your “comfort area”, it worth it. I am able to open myself to new people, new experience and new adventures. I have the opportunity to get to know stories of different people, maybe other volunteers, maybe people that I find only for a while and they share with me part of their moments and thoughts. I learn from them and they make me know more about the situation in Europe, in their countries.Somebody told me doing an EVS is like a lottery, because you never know what is going to happen to you when you start your project in a foreign country. But I have to say that I feel like a kind of winner because this experience is giving me time to travel, to meet incredible people, to know my limits and what I am able to do.
Petia Garnoeva (Bulgaria)
Why EVS?
EVS is the best choice for young people to get to know more about the new culture and meet new people. During your EVS you can understand about yourself things which before you don’t realize that you can doand that you have inside your character. You can get new skills which can help you in your future. EVS opens 100 doors.
Why Poland?
Poland is country with big history and many colours.I was very excited that I found the best project for me exactly in Poland. This country is beautiful and the people are nice. After my project I feel that Poland is like my second mother country.
EVS was for me…
EVS for me was one big adventure which I will never forget.